Soul Care Astrology's Guide to 2025
Are you ready for my 2025 astrology forecast? I've got four planets in a stellium in Virgo, so I LOVE to plan (obviously, I created the Soul Care Planner after all!). Because of that it may not surprise you that I plan my year ahead WAY in advance. Usually in September, I'm itching to look ahead and write out all my hopes and dreams for the year.
This year I thought I'd share my astrology forecast process with you! It includes making note of all the retrogrades, eclipses and outer planets shifting, so Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
What I love about astrology is it's just a giant mirror. Whatever is happening in the cosmos, it's happening here on earth as well. Sometimes it's happening around us, and sometimes it's happening within us. It's up to us to slow down and listen, to hear the messages swirling around us and to know what to do with it.
That's where I come in! I can offer encouragement and a friendly reminder that it's okay to go at your own pace and ditch hustle culture and the ensuing burnout. Here at Soul Care Astrology we know that we're all on the path of healing our inner child and remembering what it's like to listen to our hearts as we follow the path into the wild forests of our souls.
If you want a copy of your birth chart to have more of an exact idea of where these transits will impact you, you can get your birth chart here.
Let's dive in!
Mercury Retrograde
This is what everyone always wants to know about! And generally panic about. But seriously, no need! Mercury is here to help us reconnect to our own inner wisdom and realize that no one's voice is more important that the one of our heart. Learn more about Mercury Retrograde in my course Mercury Retrograde Magic.
In 2025, Mercury Retrograde will occur three times:
March 14 - April 7 in Aries and Pisces
July 17 - August 11 in Leo
November 9 - November 29 in Sagittarius and Scorpio
Venus Retrograde
Venus Retrograde is all about review your values and relationships. Money matters may come up during this time as well.
In 2025, Venus Retrograde will occur:
March 1 - April 12 in Aries and Pisces
Mars Retrograde
Mars is the planet of passion, anger, assertion, and taking action. Because Mars Retrograde is in Leo in 2025, a fire sign that deals with ego, pride, and creativity, we could find ourselves lashing out with aggression and anger via our words during this time. Once Mars Retrograde moves back into Cancer on January 6, things might feel like a wet blanket. Mars really does not like being in Cancer.
In 2025, Mars Retrograde will occur:
December 6, 2024 – February 24, 2025 in Leo and Cancer
Eclipses are portals of rapid change and growth and they occur at the North and South Nodes of the Moon. For 2025 the eclipses are occurring at:
March 14 // Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 24° Virgo
March 29 // New Moon Solar Eclipse 9° Aries
September 7 // Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 15° Pisces
September 21 // New Moon Solar Eclipse 29° Virgo
Jupiter will begin 2025 in Gemini, before it moves into Cancer on June 9. While Jupiter is in Gemini, we’re ready to learn and open our minds to new possibilities.
We’re generally more open-minded and adventurous during this transit. We’re social, curious, friendly, and strongly value our ability to learn and process information. We may be more inclined to write or share information, and want to solve problems and puzzles. However we can also get overwhelmed with ideas, have trouble making decisions, and gossip.
Once Jupiter moves into Cancer, where it is exalted. This means that Jupiter feels right at home here in the sign of the crab. While Jupiter is in Cancer, we'll be much more in touch with out emotions and intuition and many of us will find our focused pulled to home and family affairs.
Saturn moved into Pisces on March 7, 2023, and it will be there until May 24, 2025. It will return to Pisces on September 1, 2025 through February 13, 2026.
While Saturn is in Pisces, it can seem more difficult to achieve goals, especially those that are material in nature. Saturn is very practical and can find it hard to integrate Pisces's dreamy, spiritual nature.The sooner you can find how to weave these two dynamics together, the smoother ride you'll have.
Want more insight into 2025? Check out the 2025 Cosmic Forecast here
Check out all the 2025 astrological details:
2025 New and Full Moon Dates
Mercury Retrograde in 2025
Eclipses in 2025
Best Dates for Success and Money in 2025
Key Astrological Dates of 2025
The Soul Care Astrology Guide to 2025