Episode 9: December 2021 Forecast
Get out your map and get ready for your journey.
We've spent the past month clearing and releasing, gaining a new understanding of where we stand, and having once hidden information illuminated for us, brought out from the shadows and into the light where we can move forward knowing we have all the details we need to do so. But before we can race ahead, we must gather our tools and supplies, take our map out and mark where we are, note where we want to go, and chart the best path to get there. The astrology of this month is all about clarifying the vision and having clear foresight of the path ahead so we can prep and plan our journey forward into 2022 accordingly. Listen to today's episode for the highlights of the astrology of the month ahead, how to use it, and how to prepare for it.
- December New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius
- Mercury in Capricorn
- Full Moon in Gemini
- Mars in Sagittarius
- Venus Retrograde
- Saturn-Uranus Square
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