New Moon in Libra
In this lunar cycle, our New Moon is on October 2 at 11:49 am EST.
Typically, we talk about New Moons as a time of new beginnings and wiping the slate clean, of setting your intention for the lunar cycle ahead. But this New Moon is a Solar Eclipse, which means we treat it a little differently.
Eclipses bring change, and can often be unpredictable. Because of this, they aren’t the best time for beginning anything new, but instead can be powerful motivators of change.
Do you lose yourself in the maze of relationships or are you able to hold your ground? That's what this New Moon is asking you.
When the Moon is in Libra, our emotional focus turns to that of balance, especially as it pertains to relationships. The Moon in Libra can see all points of the argument, and can have trouble sticking to one side or the other because of it. We want everyone to be happy and if we're not careful we'll fall into the trap of bending over backwards to try and make that happen.
Because we can get so wrapped up in everyone else's point of view and how they are feeling, it's a good time now to step back and evaluate how you're approaching the relationships in your life. Do you hold your boundaries? Do you respect the boundaries of others?
This New Moon in particular is square Mars, the planet of action and willpower. Because of this, we want to ensure that we aren’t taking action too quickly. Mars wants to get things done quickly and resentment and frustrations can build up if it’s asked to sit still and wait for too long. Mars is also the planet of war, so I wouldn’t not be surprised if we see aggression on a more global stage, but exactly how that plays out is yet to be seen. With Mercury sitting right alongside the Sun and Moon, try talking things out. Draw diagrams and flow charts of how your plans might go, and leave space for changes in the future. This New Moon is also trine Uranus, so we’ll want to expect the unexpected now and know that nothing is written in stone.
Overall, this isn’t a time of setting intentions or making big plans. Instead, lean into restorative activities, whatever that looks like for you. It could be journaling, being outside in nature, moving your body, drinking some herbal tea. Focus on what you need to refill you cup now, so that if you need to go out and help others later on you’ll have the resources to do so.
If you'd like some help channeling into your dreams this New Moon, be sure to check out my Moon Phase Meditation Bundle!
Some questions to ask yourself on this New Moon:
- Do you honor your own boundaries and promises to yourself?
- Where does the balance of give and take fall in your relationships?
- Do you say what you think or hide behind people-pleasing habits?
Below is where you may be feeling this New Moon highlight something for you. These are written for your Rising Sign, but feel free to read your Sun and Moon sign as well (you can look up your Rising Sign here).
♈Aries & Aries Rising
Relationships are the focus for you this New Moon. Your focus is now on structure and boundaries, and you'll want to make sure you're being emotionally open and vulnerable, even if it feels awkward. Keep practicing, it will get easier.
♉Taurus & Taurus Rising
Have you been thinking of making a change to your routine? Look into what apps or devices can help you make those changes and stick to habits that empower you rather than help you procrastinate.
♊Gemini & Gemini Rising
Express yourself through art and play. Follow your muse and see where it leads. This New Moon is giving your creativity an energy boost to help you create some special magic.
♋Cancer & Cancer Rising
What siren song is calling to your heart now? You're weaving your foundation, sprinkling magic throughout your home, and creating a nurturing nest for yourself and those you love. Take a break from the action and carve out some downtime.
♌Leo & Leo Rising
Your social calendar is about to get full! This is the best time of the year for you to connect with others through meetings, networking, or just hanging with your best pals. You may find that one of these connections bears fruit in a new opportunity later down the line.
♍Virgo & Virgo Rising
Money is on your mind right now, and the stars are on your side to make a plan that will pay off. The key for you will be staying focused - that could be sticking to a budget or focusing on just one or two projects at once.
♎Libra & Libra Rising
This New Moon is like your personal New Moon, a time when you are getting clear on who you are and what you want out of life. Follow your heart and intuition, they never lead you astray.
♏Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
This New Moon is inviting you to slow down and rest. We all need periods of downtime and healing every once in a while. And that just means you'll be able to burn ever brighter when the sun illuminates your rising sign in a few weeks.
♐Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
For you, this time of year is all about your career and higher calling. This New Moon is sending a jolt of energy to the career sector of your birth chart and helping you plan out your next steps to climb whatever ladder you have your eye on.
♑Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
For you, this time of year is all about your career and higher calling. This New Moon is sending a jolt of energy to the career sector of your birth chart and helping you plan out your next steps to climb whatever ladder you have your eye on.
♒Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
New ideas are swirling for you, opening up your vision to new possibilities and avenues of learning you have yet to explore. This New Moon calls you to dive into your philosophical and metaphysical side, the one that craves all the knowledge you can find. Let yourself go exploring.
♓Pisces & Pisces Rising
This New Moon is urging you to slow down, at least just a little, and get reacquainted with your sexuality and what brings you pleasure. Real estate, investments, and legal matters could also be on the agenda.