Full Moon in Leo
With Full Moons, the Moon and Sun and opposite each other in the sky. This creates tension, but also completes a cycle and encourages us to find a solution to move outside of or away from the opposing forces as play.
The Full Moon in Leo helps us find our inner roar once again and feel empowered by our inner strength, creativity, and bravery. Because the Sun is in Aquarius, a conflict between the needs of the individual (Leo) and the needs of the group (Aquarius) may be highlighted now. We may be dealing with issues of pride and arrogance that are getting in our way and need to be spotlighted so we can recognize them and move past them.
With this Full Moon, the Moon is opposite Mercury, so communication could be tricky now. We could have trouble finding our words, or the words we do find just don’t land the way we intended for them to. The Sun and Moon are also square Uranus, which means the ground could feel a little unstable now. There are things up in the air, lots of uncertainty.
If you'd like some help channeling into your dreams this Full Moon, be sure to check out my Moon Phase Meditation Bundle!
Some questions to ask yourself on this Full Moon:
What are you most passionate about?
How do you feel about basking in the glow of praise?
Do you use your powers to protect others?
Full Moon Horoscopes
Below is where you may be feeling this Full Moon highlight something for you. These are written for your Rising Sign, but feel free to read your Sun and Moon sign as well (you can look up your Rising Sign here).
♈ Aries: Creativity, kids, romance, pleasure
♉ Taurus: Home, family, where you live, ancestors
♊️ Gemini: Communications, community, siblings, neighbors
♋️ Cancer: Money, possessions, value (and self-value)
♌️ Leo: Appearance, self-identity, how you present to others
♍️ Virgo: Fears, self-undoing, secrets
♎️ Libra: Friends, networks, social circles
♏️ Scorpio: Career, ambitions, reputation
♐️ Sagittarius: Travel, study, expansion of the mind & spirituality
♑ Capricorn: Joint finances, debt, sex, transformation
♒️ Aquarius: Committed relationships (including business partners)
♓️ Pisces: Daily routines, your health, self-care