Full Moon in Capricorn

Full Moon in Capricorn

In this lunar cycle, our Full Moon is on July 3 at 7:39 am EDT.
Hold on to your horses as this Full Moon is intense.
A Full Moon in Capricorn as its core, deals with themes around work, what we are responsible for, and what we have a duty to. It is our personal mountain that we must climb. Our Everest.

Capricorn, much like Virgo, has a goal in mind, an accomplishment or achievement, and it will steadily make its way up the mountainside to that golden finish line.
With a Full Moon, the Moon and Sun are opposite each other in the sky, creating tension for us to work with. This tension, this fullness, brings things to light.
During a Full Moon in Capricorn, the Moon is in Capricorn, but the Sun is in Cancer. While Capricorn is about work and achievements of the self, Cancer is focused on the home and family. This Full Moon is asking you where is your work/life balance off-center? Are you sacrificing the nurturing safety of home to climb your mountain faster? Or are you avoiding the climb by sticking close to your roots?

This Full Moon will feel intense for many, with unrealized emotions bubbling up to the surface. We'll all feel emotional and the theme is finding the balance between the world around us and the place we retreat to, or our home.

On top of those questions, we have a lot of cosmic activity churning up our emotional waters, thanks to the Sun in Cancer. The Moon today is opposite Mercury, square Chiron, and trine Jupiter. We may find ourselves caught up in our emotions and blurt out based on how we're feeling instead of thinking things through. For example, you may be in the conversation when you realize you're feeling jealous, or you could even make remarks that make your jealousy obvious to all those around you, thanks to the Moon opposite Mercury. The Moon and Sun both trine Saturn gives us a much needed grounding influence with this lunation, helping us approach our tasks and obligations with a sense of patience and rootedness. Moon square Chiron aggrivates our already sensitive emotions and we're easily triggered today, with emotions and past stories that we thought we had worked through coming back up again. We can (or witness others) become defensive and reactive, even volatile.

Finally, you'll want to look back to the last New Moon of 2022. It was on December 23 in the sign of Capricorn. During this New Moon, you sowed the seeds that have now finished growing. What intention did you set at that New Moon? How has it manifested and grown since then?

Some questions to ask yourself on this Full Moon:
  • What is your personal mountain/goal?

  • Do you have a plan to achieve it?

  • Is anything being sacrificed for you to get to the top of your mountain?

Full Moon Horoscopes
Below is where you may be feeling this Full Moon highlight something for you. If you do not know your Rising Sign, you can look it up here

Aries & Aries Rising
The spotlight is on your career, achievements, and ambitions now. A goal you've been working on since the New Moon in January is finally coming to fruition. What support do you need to make your dream a reality? Don't forget to let others help you cross the finish line.

Taurus & Taurus Rising
What adventures are calling your name? The horizons are opening up before you and you're ready to explore them. Themes around learning, travel, teaching, or blazing your own trail can all come up for you around this Full Moon.

Gemini & Gemini Rising
You're no stranger to deep emotions, but this Full Moon is really putting the spotlight on your inner world. This could be a time when secrets are revealed or deep wounds you thought you had moved past resurface for another look. Let those feelings flow.

Cancer & Cancer Rising
Your 7th house of relationships is getting the royal treatment under the rays of this Full Moon. Friendships and partnerships that need more TLC could become more obvious now and you may feel called to make a commitment to help your relationships blossom.

Leo & Leo Rising
Are you burning the candle at both ends? This Full Moon is here to tell you to knock it off. Your health and wellness are your priorities now and you're ready to make a plan for the changes you want to see.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
Ready for your creative muse to come waltzing back into your life? This Full Moon lights up your 5th House of Creativity and you're encouraged to follow your passion wherever it leads you - even to a new relationship!

Libra & Libra Rising
Home and family are on your mind now. Perhaps you're considering a move or thinking about the folks in your life that you consider family. Look to the foundations first and make sure whatever you're growing has a solid start.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
Email, text, or carrier pigeon, however you want to get the message out - now is the time. This Full Moon is helping you amplify your voice and carry your words of wisdom far and wide. Remember your words hold power so use them wisely.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Illuminating your 2nd House of Values, this Full Moon is a fantastic time to set a budget or take a look at money matters. This could also be a time where a new job offer or career avenue opens up for you.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
This Full Moon is in your sign, highlighting you and your accomplishments. This is a time to really celebrate you! Whatever you've been working on behind the scenes, now is the time to share it.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
This Full Moon is in your 12th House of Spirituality, which can feel like a deep letting go but also encourages a wonderful connection to your intuition and spirituality. Give yourself time to rest before the Full Moon in your sign in August.

Pisces & Pisces Rising
Your 11th House of Communities is illuminated under the light of this Full Moon, bringing new opportunities your way to connect with friends and your larger community. What gifts can you bring to the table to help others shine their light?

If you’re curious about what this lunar cycle has in store for you, try out the tarot card spread below.

 full moon in capricorn tarot spread

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