Full Moon in Cancer

Full Moon in Cancer

This week we have a Full Moon in Cancer on January 13 at 5:27 pm EST (find your time here).

With Full Moons, the Moon and Sun and opposite each other in the sky. This creates tension, but also completes a cycle and encourages us to find a solution to move outside of or away from the opposing forces as play. 

Because this Full Moon is in Cancer, we can expect a revelation or illumination around home, family, safety, security, nourishment, and self-care.

Full Moons for many people are very emotional, and some find this even more true when the Full Moon is in Cancer, a water sign that is sentimental and emotional. You may feel overwhelmed by your feelings at times, or seek emotional release through crying, journaling, being in or near water, or just chatting with a supportive friend.

Whatever the case, this Full Moon is an important time to turn within and connect with your inner guidance. A Full Moon in Cancer isn't only the realm of emotions, but the realm of intuition and inner knowing as well. Whatever shifts or changes are coming up for you around this time, turn to your higher self for guidance and you'll find your way.

If you'd like some help channeling into your dreams this New Moon, be sure to check out my Moon Phase Meditation Bundle!

Some questions to ask yourself on this Full Moon:

  • What helps you feel grounded and safe?

  • How can you nurture yourself more?

  • Who do you consider to be family?

Full Moon Horoscopes

Below is where you may be feeling this Full Moon highlight something for you. These are written for your Rising Sign, but feel free to read your Sun and Moon sign as well (you can look up your Rising Sign here). 

AriesHome, family, where you live, ancestors
Taurus:  Communications, community, siblings, neighbors
♊️ GeminiMoney, possessions, value (and self-value)
♋️ Cancer: Appearance, self-identity, how you present to others
♌️ Leo: Fears, self-undoing, secrets 
♍️ VirgoFriends, networks, social circles
LibraCareer, ambitions, reputation
♏️ ScorpioTravel, study, expansion of the mind & spirituality
♐️ Sagittarius: Joint finances, debt, sex, transformation
Capricorn: Committed relationships (including business partners)
AquariusDaily routines, your health, self-care
♓️ PiscesCreativity, kids, romance, pleasure


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