Full Moon in Aries
In this lunar cycle, our Full Moon in Aries is on October 17 at 7:26 am EST.
With this Full Moon, we may feel torn between what we want and what is best for the group or collective.
Because of the nature of Full Moons, with the moon and sun being opposite each other in the sky, we can feel torn, caught between two very different desires. This month the moon is in Aries, the cardinal sign of fire. Aries is all about me and what is best for me. Aries looks out for #1 that’s for sure. Meanwhile, the Sun is in Libra and urges us to look at both sides of the aisle. The Sun in Libra wants us to see and understand everyone’s point of view so we can reach a conclusion that is beneficial to all.
You can see where the tension lies in this.
We’re torn between our own personal desires and the choice that is more beneficial for the collective.
We also have the Moon aligning with Chiron, the wounded healer, bringing up an old hurt from the past. As always, anything that comes up for you or is revealed around a Full Moon is there so you can work with it and heal it, and this is no exception. This Full Moon is also square Mars and Pluto. This means we have a grand cross with Chiron, Mars, and Pluto. It’s intense! This Full Moon can bring up challenges and fears, both which activate our nervous systems into our go to mode: fight/flight/freeze/fawn. Self-care is vital this week and especially today. And by self-care, I don’t mean bubble baths, I mean taking a pause to assess where your nervous system is and what you need to feel more grounded and embodied, rather than reactive. This Full Moon is encouraging us to let go of what we’re holding on to in regards to fear, power, and control.
Some questions to ask yourself on this Full Moon:
Where are you too focused on yourself?
How can you use your talents and gifts to help fight and champion for others?
What nourishes your inner sense of fire and willpower?
Below is where you may be feeling this Full Moon highlight something for you. These are written for your Rising Sign, but feel free to read your Sun and Moon sign as well (you can look up your Rising Sign here).
♈Aries & Aries Rising
This Full Moon is in your sign, highlighting you and your accomplishments. This is a time to really celebrate you! Whatever you've been working on behind the scenes, now is the time to share it.
♉Taurus & Taurus Rising
Your 11th House of Communities is illuminated under the light of this Full Moon, bringing new opportunities your way to connect with friends and your larger community. What gifts can you bring to the table to help others shine their light?
♊Gemini & Gemini Rising
Your 11th House of Communities is illuminated under the light of this Full Moon, bringing new opportunities your way to connect with friends and your larger community. What gifts can you bring to the table to help others shine their light?
♋Cancer & Cancer Rising
The spotlight is on your career, achievements, and ambitions now. A goal you've been working on since the New Moon in March is finally coming to fruition. What support do you need to make your dream a reality? Don't forget to let others help you cross the finish line.
♌Leo & Leo Rising
What adventures are calling your name? The horizons are opening up before you, and you're ready to explore them. Themes around learning, travel, teaching, or blazing your own trail can all come up for you around this Full Moon.
♍Virgo & Virgo Rising
You're no stranger to deep emotions, but this Full Moon is really putting the spotlight on your inner world. This could be a time when secrets are revealed, or deep wounds you thought you had moved past resurface for another look. Let those feelings flow.
♎Libra & Libra Rising
Your 7th house of relationships is getting the royal treatment under the rays of this Full Moon. Friendships and partnerships that need more TLC could become more obvious now, and you may feel called to make a commitment to help your relationships blossom.
♏Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
Are you burning the candle at both ends? This Full Moon is here to tell you to knock it off. Your health and wellness are your priorities now, and you're ready to make a plan for the changes you want to see.
♐Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Ready for your creative muse to come waltzing back into your life? This Full Moon lights up your 5th House of Creativity, and you're encouraged to follow your passion wherever it leads you - even to a new relationship!
♑Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
Home and family are on your mind now. Perhaps you're considering a move or thinking about the folks in your life that you consider family. Look to the foundations first and make sure whatever you're growing has a solid start.
♒Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
Email, text, or carrier pigeon, however you want to get the message out - now is the time. This Full Moon is helping you amplify your voice and carry your words of wisdom far and wide. Remember, your words hold power, so use them wisely.
♓Pisces & Pisces Rising
Illuminating your 2nd House of Values, this Full Moon is a fantastic time to set a budget or take a look at money matters. This could also be a time when a new job offer or career avenue opens up for you.